Crying During the Song Here Again

In June 2019, I took my first trip to San Angelo, Texas, where I helped with a sports camp for kids. One morning I found myself feeling terribly sick. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I rarely go sick. I had to sit out that day and talk to a doctor online. By the grace of God, I found out that I wasn't seriously sick, and that simple medication would make me feel better in no time.

I was sad to accept missed out on a day with the kids I was supposed to be loving, but I was prepared to detect ways to do something despite my sickness. Singing is a typical style I connect with the Father, but my vocalization temporarily left me when I tried to sing "Here Over again." In that low moment I found a note I made to myself before that week on my telephone. It said, "… with or without a voice, may I sing Your praises."

It was a very humbling moment. I am extremely by-the-books and I similar to have a plan. I tend to struggle when things don't become the way I plan, just the Lord taught me that calendar week that we every bit Christians shouldn't expect things will become the mode we want them to. We should have things every bit they are and embrace His hand in it.

I was healed and able to bask the rest of the week despite my slight setback.

The following week, I took a trip to Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri, where I attended the Creative Arts Academy. This was a trip I spontaneously signed up for merely knowing 1 other person. I was already exhausted from the past week and, frankly, nervous to nourish the camp.

I had received an email announcing attempt-outs for a vocal solo for the final plan at the terminate of the week, and I was non enthusiastic. My parents and family encouraged me to attempt out and inside an hour earlier the audition, I caved in. I stepped outside of my condolement zone and tried out for vocals … I'chiliad and then glad I did.

I couldn't assistance but smile when I saw my proper noun posted next to lead harmony for "Here Again." How ironic was it that God would line up THIS song?!

But then God wanted me to accept a backroad for this journeying.

In the center of the week, my vision started to go out in my right eye. I took out my contacts only to experience more blurring and inconsolable called-for. Not to be a babe or annihilation, merely information technology was quite perchance the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. I couldn't help but think, "Oh wooow, I actually DON'T want to become to hell because I'1000 feeling it direct in my eye!"

God was there, though, and provided family unit members to have me to the ER. It was there that it was discovered that I had peeled off the tiptop layer of my cornea when my contact lens adhered to my eye!

Medicine and a good night's sleep helped me, but I was nervous to perform my solo without my contacts or glasses (Yeah, I left them at habitation.) It took a lot of bravery, merely I agreed to perform. I didn't realize I had the words to "Here Once again" memorized and the functioning went well. The poetry that says "In my weakness Your glory appears" resonated with me subsequently that moment on stage.

Things once once more did not get the way I had planned but I attempted to find ways to rejoice in His plan. I found that because I was led on His backroad, the view from the mountain meant so much more than to me. I had to fight to become there, and although the back way had not always been pretty, information technology was beautiful because of what He formed it into.

I was humbled once more.

Summer was almost over and I attended CIY MOVE at the University of Arlington (TX) with my youth grouping from church. I come to MOVE knowing that God always does large things through the fellowship, the friendships, the speakers, the worship and even the people serving us food. And He did non disappoint.

The speaker had just discussed five separate "caves" we can find ourselves in: Anger, Fright, Apathy, Loneliness and Shame. I've plant myself in all of these caves, only did not take something that specifically resonated for me. I may not have had something big I was wrestling with or hurt weighing me down, just it was the very presence of God that I saw, heard and felt that drew me to this moment.

I watched hundreds of students ask leaders or friends to pray with them in these caves. I watched those I did not expect make such a bold move take these deportment. I saw total submission and vulnerability, and there is something about that which I find indescribably beautiful. I saw people I loved break downwards and cry. I saw people I loved praying for each other and acquisition these caves together. I saw someone who claimed to exist atheist bow his caput and pray.

Just as I establish myself in a messy pile of tears, the ring began to play "Here Again." Those words were a prayer I sang louder than I've ever sang earlier, and I actually felt the Lord in that place! I am remarkably humbled past this reminder that I am not enough unless HE comes. I tin't even count how many tears I shed that night or how many hugs I gave or received. That wasn't something I planned or saw coming, only it was beautiful. That week, I felt closer to God, my church family unit and His Word.

Lyrics to "Here Again" by Pinnacle Worship

Can't become back to the get-go
Can't command what tomorrow volition bring
But I know here in the center
Is the place where You lot promise to be

I'm non enough unless You come up
Will You meet me here again
'Cause all I want is all You lot are
Will Y'all run across me here again

Every bit I walk at present through the valley
Let your honey ascent in a higher place every fear
Like the sun shaping the shadow
In my weakness Your glory appears

I'chiliad non enough unless You lot come
Will You meet me here again
'Cause all I want is all You are
Will You meet me hither once more
I'm not enough unless You come
Volition You meet me hither again
'Crusade all I want is all You are
Will You lot see me here once again

Not for a minute
Was I forsaken
The Lord is in this place
The Lord is in this identify
Come Holy Spirit
Dry basic awaken
The Lord is in this identify
The Lord is in this place
Not for a minute
Was I forsaken
The Lord is in this place
The Lord is in this identify
Come up Holy Spirit
Dry bones awaken
The Lord is in this place
The Lord is in this place

I'chiliad non enough unless You come
Will You lot meet me here again
'Cause all I want is all You are
Will You run across me here once more
I'm not enough unless You come up
Volition You see me here again

'Crusade all I desire is all You are
Will Yous meet me here once again.

08_05_Sydney.jpg Sydney Loma is a high school student in Houston, Texas, and the granddaughter of erstwhile CIY President Andy Hansen. She maintains the weblog "Beauty Makes a Sound." To read more, click here.


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