Lidia's Kitchen Beef Cabbage Potato Casserole


What's the heartiest dish you lot know how to make? Chances are, this is heartier.

Picture show it: a pestata (or paste) is made with lots of garlic, sage, rosemary and olive oil. That paste is used to season sliced red potatoes and cubed beefiness shoulder which get layered in a giant casserole with cabbage. And so the remaining pestata is mixed with white vino, poured over the mix, which has been dotted with butter. Into a hot oven it goes for 2 ane/2 hours, after which the whole thing is topped with grated Fontina cheese and returned to the oven for information technology to bubble and brown. I told yous this was hearty.

What I honey so much about this dish, now that I've made it, isn't and so much that information technology'due south hearty but that it'southward so flavorful. The garlic and herbs lend and so much pizzazz to everything; and the white wine that gets poured over information technology all offers up an acidic zing.


The meat, which is naturally fatty, breaks downward slowly and then that 2 i/2 hours afterward it'due south fork tender. And the cabbage absorbs all the residual flavors as it wilts and browns and reinvents itself equally something far more than enticing than y'all'd look from the word "cabbage."


There's then much packed into this casserole, in fact, you're non sure you can even squash it all down before covering it with foil and roasting. You tin, just press hard. Plus: information technology all shrinks up in the oven.


Fifty-fifty before y'all add the Fontina cheese, it looks like something you want to consume. Simply with the Fontina cheese?


It's similar lasagna and pot roast all rolled into one unforgettable dish. The best function: this actually feeds a crowd then you tin invite over a whole gang and withal have plenty leftover. Information technology's that kind of dish for that kind of night. Anybody leaves very full and very happy.

To quote Rowan & Martin'south Laugh-In: Socca to me.

Recipe: Socca (An Italian Beef, Cabbage & White potato Casserole)

Summary: From Lidia Bastianich'due south Lidia Cooks From The Centre of Italia


  • About a dozen large sage leaves
  • 1/4 cup fresh rosemary leaves, stripped from the branch
  • 8 plump garlic cloves, peeled
  • 2/3 loving cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons kosher salt
  • 2 pounds scarlet potatoes, sliced 1/2 inch thick
  • A 4-pound boneless beef shoulder roast (preferably "meridian bract" or "summit chuck shoulder" roast)
  • one stick (eight tablespoons) soft butter
  • 1 head Savoy cabbage, about 2 ane/2 pounds, cored and sliced into 1/two-inch shreds
  • 2 cups white wine
  • 1 pound Fontina cheese from Valle d'Aosta (or Italian Fontal)


  1. Rut the oven to 425. Utilise a food processor to mince the sage, rosemary, garlic, one/4 loving cup of the olive oil, and i/2 teaspoon salt into a fine-textured pestata. (Annotation: I didn't think this would work in my nutrient processor, because mine'southward so large I didn't think it'd blend up; so I minced by paw then used a paw blender in a bowl to take it further. Worked pretty well. You could also try a mortar and pestle.)
  2. Put the potato slices in a large basin; sprinkle on pinnacle 1 teaspoon table salt, 2 tablespoons olive oil, and 1 tablespoon of the pestata. Toss well to coat.
  3. With a sharp knife, slice the beef beyond the grain into three/4 inch thick slices (I cut mine into big cubes). As you did with the potatoes, put the meat slices in a bowl and toss them with seasonings until well coated, using i teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons olive oil, and 2 tablespoons of the pestata. (Note: I used a little more salt than this, based on visual cues. I wanted the beef to get a practiced dose of salt.)
  4. Castor a roasting pan or big baking dish (mine was 9 X 13 glass) with the remaining olive oil and 2 tablespoons of the butter. Arrange half of the potato slices in a single layer on the pan bottom, spread one-half the cabbage shreds evenly over the potatoes, and flavor with 1 teaspoon salt. Distribute all the beef slices, in a single layer, over the cabbage. (The pan should be about half full; press down on the beef if it looks like you lot demand more room.)
  5. Dot the top of the beef with modest mounds of butter, using another 3 tablespoons in all. Lay the remaining potato slices on elevation of the beef slices, spread the rest of the cabbage evenly over the slices, and season with the remaining teaspoon of salt. Stir all of the remaining pestata into the white wine and pour the wine all over the cabbage shreds. Finally, dot the top with the remainder of the butter.
  6. Tent the blistering dish with a sheet of aluminum foil, arching it above the food and pressing it against the sides of the pan. (I didn't empathise what this meant, so I just sealed it upwardly with aluminum foil and it worked fine.) Set the dish in the oven and bake nigh 2 i/ii hours, until the meat and vegetables are easily pierced with a knife and almost all of the liquid has been absorbed.
  7. Remove the foil and sprinkle the shredded fontina over the top of the potatoes and cabbage (which will have sunk down in the pan). Broil another fifteen to 20 minutes until the fontina has melted, bubbled, and browned into a crusty topping.
  8. Let the casserole rest for 10 minutes. Serve family-style, spooned onto dinner plates.

Preparation time: 30 minute(south)

Cooking time: 2 60 minutes(s) 50 minute(s)

Number of servings (yield): eight


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