What happens to the air mass if it stays in one location for an extended time?

The residual of this section will be devoted to 4 types of fronts. 3 of these fronts move and i is stationary. With cold fronts and warm fronts, the air mass at the leading edge of the front gives the forepart its name. In other words, a cold front is right at the leading edge of moving cold air and a warm front marks the leading border of moving warm air.

When two air masses meet together, the boundary betwixt the two is chosen a weather front end. At a front, the two air masses have different densities, based on temperature, and practise not hands mix. Ane air mass is lifted in a higher place the other, creating a depression pressure zone. If the lifted air is moist, there will be condensation and precipitation. Winds are mutual at a front end. The greater the temperature difference betwixt the 2 air masses, the stronger the winds will exist. Fronts are the chief cause of stormy weather.

The residual of this section will exist devoted to four types of fronts. Three of these fronts motility and one is stationary. With cold fronts and warm fronts, the air mass at the leading edge of the front gives the front its proper noun. In other words, a common cold forepart is right at the leading edge of moving cold air and a warm front end marks the leading edge of moving warm air.

Stationary Fronts

At a stationary front the air masses do non movement. A forepart may become stationary if an air mass is stopped by a barrier, such as a mountain range.

A stationary front is indicated by a line with red half circles pointing up alternating with blue triangles pointing down.

A stationary front may bring days of rain, drizzle, and fog. Winds ordinarily blow parallel to the front, but in opposite directions. Afterward several days, the front end will likely break apart. When a cold air mass takes the place of a warm air mass, there is a cold forepart.

Common cold Fronts

The cold front has a curved shape. Clouds are lifted above the front.Imagine that you are standing in 1 spot equally a cold front approaches. Forth the cold front, the denser, cold air pushes upwards the warm air, causing the air pressure to decrease. If the humidity is loftier enough, some types of cumulus clouds will grow. Loftier in the atmosphere, winds blow ice crystals from the tops of these clouds to create cirrostratus and cirrus clouds. At the front, there will be a line of pelting showers, snow showers, or thunderstorms with blustery winds. A squall line is a line of severe thunderstorms that forms along a cold front end. Behind the front end is the cold air mass. This mass is drier so precipitation stops. The weather may be cold and clear or merely partly cloudy. Winds may continue to blow into the low pressure zone at the front. The atmospheric condition at a cold front varies with the flavor.

  • leap and summer: The air is unstable so thunderstorms or tornadoes may form.
  • spring: If the temperature gradient is high, strong winds accident.
  • autumn: Strong rains autumn over a large area.
  • wintertime: The cold air mass is likely to take formed in the frigid chill so in that location are frigid temperatures and heavy snows.

Warm Fronts

The cold front has a triangular shape. Clouds are lifted above the front.Along a warm front, a warm air mass slides over a cold air mass. When warm, less dumbo air moves over the colder, denser air, the temper is relatively stable. Imagine that yous are on the ground in the wintertime under a common cold winter air mass with a warm front end approaching. The transition from common cold air to warm air takes place over a long distance and then the first signs of changing weather appear long before the forepart is actually over you.

Initially, the air is common cold: the cold air mass is higher up you lot and the warm air mass is higher up it. High cirrus clouds mark the transition from 1 air mass to the other.Over fourth dimension, cirrus clouds become thicker and cirrostratus clouds class. Every bit the front end approaches, altocumulus and altostratus clouds appear and the sky turns gray. Since it is winter, snowflakes autumn. The clouds thicken and nimbostratus clouds grade. Snowfall increases. Winds grow stronger as the low pressure approaches. As the front gets closer, the common cold air mass is just above you but the warm air mass is not likewise far to a higher place that. The weather worsens. Equally the warm air mass approaches, temperatures rise and snowfall turns to sleet and freezing rain. Warm and common cold air mix at the front, leading to the formation of stratus clouds and fog.

Occluded Fronts

An occluded front end normally forms around a low pressure system. The occlusion starts when a cold front catches up to a warm front. The air masses, in gild from front to back, are cold, warm, and then common cold once more.

A occluded front is indicated by a line made up of alternating upwards facing purple half circles and purple triangles.

Diagram of a cyclone in the early stages of occlusion in the Northern HemisphereCoriolis Upshot curves the purlieus where the two fronts run into towards the pole. If the air mass that arrives 3rd is colder than either of the first two air masses, that air mass sideslip beneath them both. This is called a common cold occlusion. If the air mass that arrives third is warm, that air mass rides over the other air mass. This is called a warm occlusion.The atmospheric condition at an occluded front is especially fierce correct at the occlusion. Precipitation and shifting winds are typical. The Pacific Declension has frequent occluded fronts.

Call back, a weather front is basically the boundary between two air masses of different densities. At the center of each air mass is typically a high pressure level. This means that weather is typically sunny within air masses, merely their temperatures could vary with the season and humidity could vary based on the source region of the air mass.

Now more often than not, these weather fronts are not isolated events. Oft times, they are part of a larger rotating arrangement called a mid-latitude cyclone. This type of cyclone will be discussed afterward in this affiliate, just equally an introduction it is a depression pressure organization that is usually mixing warmer air from the south (in the Northern Hemisphere) and colder air from the n.


Source: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/geophysical/chapter/weather-front/

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